“Citizens with Welcome”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Citizens with Welcome”

There are many groups and situations in our lives that make the question of what it takes to belong and who is an “insider” or an “outsider” a big focus. That can make any of us feel worried or under pressure about being “outsiders,” and thrilled and relieved when we are welcomed as “insiders.” God operates by a unique set of values and definitions for belonging in God’s Kingdom than we see in the world around us most of the time, and we can be encouraged where we have been welcomed to offer welcome to others, too.

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“The Prize of Never Finishing”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“The Prize of Never Finishing”

Salvation life is an amazing gift of God’s grace, but we can also sometimes benefit from a reminder that it’s not an end point or something to take for granted. There is always more learning and transformation of the fullness of what God is offering that can be pursued - a lot like elite athletes, artists and others tend to always seek out more practice and ways to improve, even after seeming to achieve everything someone would want to.

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“I Did Come Here to Make Friends”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“I Did Come Here to Make Friends”

Like reality show contestants focused on one particular outcome at the expense of almost anything else that might be taken away from an experience, we can sometimes get distracted from God’s values and what God calls worthy by competing priorities and expectations. Joseph and Paul give examples of how staying rooted in God’s metrics helps us experience salvation life in any circumstance.

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“Love Like You”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Love Like You”

God doesn’t just give us instructions about life, but actually lives profound values and character, and builds unbelievably gracious relationships with us that embody for us what salvation life is really like. How can we learn from that, and be inspired and empowered by it such that we follow in the same values and love and they redefine who we are, how we operate in the world, and the relationships we have with God and each other?

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“Faith Works!”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Faith Works!”

Camps and mission trips are often some of the most formative experiences we can have in our lives and our faith development. In lifting up memories of the impact such experiences have had in our church before, we may also see ways God is moving in opportunities for fellowship and service all around us now.

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“Contrasting Prayers, Constructing Priorities”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Contrasting Prayers, Constructing Priorities”

It’s a strange and fascinating reality that people can be experiencing circumstances most other people would see as generally positive, and yet feel worried and depressed about it, or what others would see as negative, but feel hopeful and resolute. We see this in the Bible, too, like with Jacob and Paul, and God can reveal a lot about the values of thriving salvation life in all situations through these experiences.

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“Learning Righteous Rejoicing”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Learning Righteous Rejoicing”

Jesus seems to have a pattern even when the disciples are really excited about something to encourage them to refocus on another value or priority he wants to make sure they don’t miss. How can we stay aware of the most important areas of focus from Jesus in our lives - in any circumstance we’re in? And how might that help us experience salvation life more fully no matter what?

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“Living Our Faith Off the Beaten Path”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Living Our Faith Off the Beaten Path”

Experiences in different settings and with different cultures can often help us discern better how we understand the world and make decisions holding faith in God and our own thoughts and feelings together.

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“How God is With Us on Paths that Feel Lost”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“How God is With Us on Paths that Feel Lost”

We can go through a lot of experiences that are new, uncomfortable and/or challenging, and it’s not always easy to recognize how God is companioning with us through that and what it looks like to be faithful in unusual circumstances. There are stories in the Bible that give us examples of what to keep an eye out for, and find hope in, for how God will bring the salvation life that may be a bit different, but is just right for each circumstance.

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“Trusting the Companion for All Paths”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Trusting the Companion for All Paths”

In many seasons of life, both exciting and concerning, we face an uncertain path ahead of us, or choices of how to proceed, and it can be easy to feel lost from this. We can be encouraged that our Heavenly Father walks with us in all paths of life, and we can safely bring every part of ourself to figure things out, even the doubts, questions and struggles.

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“Finding Inspiration for Flourishing”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Finding Inspiration for Flourishing”

God moves in so many ways through so many people in our lives to help us experience thriving salvation life. Sometimes we can coast along not noticing these gifts until prompted by a special occasion of some kind. So let’s take advantage of those to re-root ourselves in God’s values, find inspiration to refresh our efforts together, and identify ways we could serve like those we are thankful for.

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“Served by Structures, Not Slaves to Them”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Served by Structures, Not Slaves to Them”

Traditions, practices and structures are wonderful gifts for holding on to essential meaning and values from God across and circumstance, but they can also be tempting to take our focus instead of the meaning they are supposed to point to. How does God help us stay rooted in meaning and have healthy and potentially evolving relationships with what helps us remember that meaning?

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“Flourishing in the Mix of Memory”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Flourishing in the Mix of Memory”

Memory can be vital in discerning what is most important in life, and finding ways to move forward in the present and future guided by God’s values and priorities. It can also be a way we retreat into ourselves and our personal preferences and miss all that God has for us. Giving time for God to give clarity for what and how we remember supports our thriving for all seasons.

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“Everyone Flourishing with Vision and Purpose”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Everyone Flourishing with Vision and Purpose”

As we see God move, it is often exciting, but we can also feel like there’s a lot to wrap our minds around and keep up with for being included in God’s invitation and thriving in our faith lives. We can remember the Spirit is given as a gift for us to figure out things together and have what we need for any season or circumstance we may face.

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“Weaving the Full Legacy of Restoration”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Weaving the Full Legacy of Restoration”

Whenever we have times of thinking about what the glory of God is like and how we carry it with us from season of life to season of life, the resurrection is a great place to start, but might carry surprising lessons. That is Jesus at the most victorious and glorious, but he also carries marks of his struggles and death, and so carrying God’s legacy can and should include trustingly carrying vulnerabilities with us.

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“It Takes a Church”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“It Takes a Church”

On a day we celebrate the impact of Moms and our nuclear families, we can also be thankful for the ways God forms spiritual families where we find support, transformation, and thriving for all kinds of aspects of life.

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“Flourishing in Vulnerable Hope”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Flourishing in Vulnerable Hope”

Planting seeds might feel all about excitement and newness, but it’s true it can also bring uncertainty, worry, and mourning of what was before at the same time. God helps us hold all these emotions and experiences together for thriving faith life full of wisdom, substance, and growth with each season having what is right for its time and circumstance.

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“Abiding for Flourishing”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Abiding for Flourishing”

We can find lots of foundation to stand on, be encouraged by, and find new expressions for in our current context from the history of the International Council of Community Churches, and our own local church history. How can we understand this as nutrients from God’s vine to help us exist as the unique branch we are?

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“Flourishing in All Seasons: Purpose, Partnerships, Perseverance, Pivots”
Robb Tarr Robb Tarr

“Flourishing in All Seasons: Purpose, Partnerships, Perseverance, Pivots”

There can be a lot of assumptions about what stages of life or seasons of activity involve flourishing, or what the most important flourishing looks like. God promises to walk with us in all seasons and circumstances and bring flourishing in otherwise surprising ways and situations. Can we faithfully learn, follow and participate for our own vitality?

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